Monday, January 27, 2020

Where Are The Elijah Preachers?

There are somethings that I will never be able to understand, some religious denominations and some churches in America. In today’s world for most denominations, it is a pick and chooses religion. It seems we have a new religion that is sweeping our country; Love the person and love what they are doing and just accept it, but that is not Bible Christianity. We are to love the person but hate the sin.
We cannot believe some parts of the Bible and disbelieve or cut out other parts, because that is not a true way to believe. On the solid Rock, we must stand. We must believe in all the infallible words of the Bible or believe none. We cannot cut out some of what the Bible says or just pick and paste what we want to believe. It just does not work that way. What was a sin 1000s of years ago is still a sin in today’s world and it will always be a sin. God changes not. 

It used to be decades ago there were only one or two Bible versions and now there are dozens of different Bible versions each claiming to be an easier version and in a lot of cases, important parts of the scriptures are left out and/or are misquoted to give different meanings. The same way with Bible commentaries. Most new commentaries or ones that are revised completely say different than the old commentaries. Is it that we have become smarter? Or are we becoming so smart that we know more than our forefathers in the faith? What is being allowed in most of our churches today would have never been allowed in the same churches years ago. That same two-edged sword of times past has now become a one edge sword in the mouths of many preachers. They are the motivational preachers who say soothing words and never nothing about sin or its consequences. They are interested in the large crowds and the money that these crowds bring in. 
   The Trojan Horse (BETTER KNOWN AS THE ANTICHRIST) is in our churches today more so than ever deceiving the people and that narrow road that was once walked is becoming broad. Few are the churches that are still preaching the truth. But God always has His people. As Christians, we must uphold Bible truths that are ever so evident and always have been.  

1 comment:

Tim Shey said...

Here is a sermon on the Prophet Elijah by Leonard Ravenhill that you might like to see:


Here is an excellent film on the growth of Christianity in Iran that you might like to take a look at:

Sheep Among Wolves: Volume One

Sheep Among Wolves: Volume II

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