Monday, December 2, 2019

Why did God let that happen?

Every time there is a shooting in some public place, whether it be in a shopping center, church, Walmart or our schools, we can always hear somewhere in the crowd or gathering “Why does God let that happen?”
So why does God let that happen? When you have lived a long life, as I have, and have seen the many changes take place in our country, it sure is a no-brainer to understand what happened to God. For decades and then some, we have been telling God to get out of our schools, our government, and our lives. So he has done just that, and now we can see clearly what we have. How can we expect God to give us his blessings and his protection if we tell him to leave us alone?
We did not want prayer or Bible reading in school anymore, and then we listen to a guy named Dr. Spock, who said, “We should not spank our kids because we might damage their self-esteem." We believed him, and now look at what is happening. We have kids that do not know right from wrong, they have no discipline, some have no conscience at all. A conscience that would stop them from killing other kids in school.
Some of you will not get this at all and others may call me a whack job, or a Bible thumper, but I have to tell you like it is: We reap what we sow. We cannot turn our backs on God and then wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. It is so funny how we will believe most newspapers but never God’s word. It is strange how some newspapers will not print an article like this, and when they do print the article, how most people when they see the word “God” they will pass over the article because they want no part of it.
If we want this country to return to its former glory, we must stop the suppression in our schools and public places of God’s word. The trouble is we are worried more about what people think than what God thinks. Before we can make America great again, we need to call on the one who can deliver us out of the deep trouble that we are in.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Holding on to our faith

 Dear Christian friends as we journey through the challenges in today's world and the challenges that may come our way, we must realize the importance of our faith and to hold on to our faith. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, must keet the faith. No matter what happens in this old world we must keep the faith. I’ve been ostracized by people on Facebook, some of my friends, people in the community, my neighbors to some degree and I’ve been criticized by people yet I’m holding on to my faith. and I won’t let go of my faith.” The Holy Bible has much to say about faith. We must have faith in God. (Mark 11:22)  And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” Our faith hath saved us. (Luke 7:50)  And He said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. In today's world, we must keep the faith. (II Timothy 4:7)  “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” We must increase our faith. (Luke 17:5 ) “And the Apostles said who the Lord, Increase our faith.” Our faith comes by hearing. (Romans 10:17)So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Faith is the substance. (Hebrews 11: 1)“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Our walk as a Christian is by faith (II Corinthians 5:7) For we walk by faith, not by sight.  During biblical times some put their faith in chariots, some in their armies, or their king. Then there was those who put their faith in their Gods of wood, stone and the such. Their faith was not in the One True God who could save them from destruction. The same goes today in our country. The people trust in the government more and more for everything. Their faith is not in the one who can deliver them out of their troubles. Our churches have become social clubs and entertainment centers. They have lost their faith in the one true God. Our country has opened its doors to sin. There is coming a payday for their sins and ungodly acts. But to all the true born again, Christians let us kept the faith, hold on to that faith and do not let go the things we know and believe in, for HE is coming again.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The United States will never create enough laws to control the evil of killing another human being because evil and evil people do not and will never obey laws or any rules imposed upon them by the government. What makes anyone think evil people will obey government laws when they will not obey God's law- Thou shall not murder. We will always have mass killings, murders, and the breaking of the law because we live in an evil world.  All the laws on the books or laws that will be on the books will not stop evil. When a person has his mindset on an evil purpose he will carry out that evil purpose one way or the other with whatever is at hand to do his or her evil deed. We are already hearing from the liberals and the far left after this latest mass shooting in Texas wanting more gun control laws and for what? The only thing more gun laws will do is hamper the honest decent man, who by the way, respects and abides by the gun control laws. We already have more gun control laws on the books in this country that do absolutely nothing, but yet we want more laws or better yet to take away the guns of everybody, including honest law-abiding citizens. When all the guns are gone and we become a people who depend totally 100% on the government we will then be servants of the government instead of the government being a servant of the people. Some people will not get that. After the firearms are all gone or confiscated by the government what will be the next on the list for the future mass murder to use to commit his evil act? Without naming several I will let the reader think for himself. Do not let the government and some anti-gun groups make you think or believe it is the gun that is the cause of our problems. It is evil in the hearts of degenerate people that cause the problems. People who could care less about any law or what is morally right.
 This country's policymakers, journalists, and the general public look to psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and related disciplines as sources of certainty in the face of the often-incomprehensible terror and loss that mass shootings inevitably produce. This is especially the case in the current political moment when relationships between shootings and mental illness often appear to be the only points upon which otherwise divergent voices in the contentious national gun debate agree. Our country and even the world is going down a broad road to destruction. After all the gun laws, the psychology, and many other programs that have been tried and have failed we need to turn to the ONE who will heal this land and put us back on the right course. The bottom law is this: When we obey God's laws the evils of this country will go away. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Where Are The Prophets That Trouble America

We have allowed the very people who want to destroy this country To move here by leaps and bounds while supporting them with our tax dollars and even elect three of them to Congress where they have access to classified documents. Our enemies are here and in the gate. No wall is needed here because they are already here and demanding their form of government. I will never understand how people can leave their country because of persecution while waving the flags of their country as they come. We must learn their language because they do not want to or do they have to learn ours. We must accept their God. The very things that we have seen in the middle east are coming here and for the most part, are already here.
We have a problem on our southern borders that needs to go away. I for one am not against legal immigration. I want people to come to this country and learn our ways, speak our language and be proud Americans. This is how our country was founded. It was not founded by people sneaking over the borders, illegally and demanding everything for free which is, for the most part, what is happening. No matter what some people say, not all the people crossing our borders are legit. Some of these people bring with them a way of life that is not acceptable and should not be tolerated, such as drugs, bad criminal records, let alone the lawlessness that they unleash when they come here. There are many cases in our court system which can back that up. This country cannot sustain the people crossing our borders or the burden it will cause on the citizens in this country. We need a wall.
The Pope, most Tv actors and members of Congress, who are against the wall have walls around their residence to keep people out. Check it out. For them the walls are good but for you and me (The American People), the walls are not needed. The people in Congress that are against the wall are doing it because all these people will vote for them and their socialist (communist agenda) or else they are against it because it is a Trump Promise and they hate Trump. I do not like everything Trump says or does but he is right on this one. We must build the wall or we will have no country as we know it left for our kids and grandkids.
We have people who have come across our borders illegally (not citizens of this country) and are allowed to vote, get a drivers license, tax refunds (Never figured that one out), food stamps, money for housing, and everything else, and it is all for the vote or the cheap labor. This country can not sustain this type of actions from the illegals or the government that allows it.
Evil has overtaken this country and it is growing by leaps and bounds. We have murdered millions of babies in the wombs of their mother over the past decades but now we are murdering them in the mother’s womb up until the day they are born. How evil this is. We have laws to protect dangered species of animals, but it is okay to kill a baby in the womb. The government is saying the baby is not alive or a person until they are born and breath. All through the Bible God tells us otherwise. If this is the case, as the government says, why is Plan Parenthood harvesting body parts and selling them? What is next? Will the government want to call the old folks and special needs people a burden and get rid of them? Do not laugh because if this country last it will happen. There is a darkness coming over this land.
We have the evil of homosexuals, lesbianism, transgenders, and the like being promoted in our land when we know it is wrong. Our kids are being taught in school that it is just another lifestyle. (Our schools are not what they use to be). Most schools and higher places of learning have a liberal agenda.) The Holy Scriptures tell us that. And if you do not want to read them just common sense will tell you none of this is right. God created Male and female, (Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve) I guess soon we will be told that round pegs will fit into square holes.
We have an evil that has come over this land and we need not look at the politicians to solve the problem because they are part of the problem. They need to go. We must clean the swamp. But the real problem is we have, for the most part, are spineless preachers who will not stand up in the pulpit and preach what saith the Lord. They are more worried about money and the numbers of their congregations. When we have a preacher of a church with 40,000 members that will not say homosexuality is a sin on national TV the church is in trouble big time.

In Today's Word What Are You Building?

  In a day of violence and God's impending wrath, what should a man of God be Building? Noah built an ark. In Noah's day, the earth ...