No man, educated or uneducated, can afford to be ignorant of the Bible...A thorough understanding of the Bible is better than a college education. Within the covers of this one single book, the Bible, are all the answers to all the problems we face today.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Just Say A Word!
Friday, May 27, 2011
I Will Rejoice in The Lord!
Everything that happens is according to plan, and in the end that plan results in the eternal reward of heaven. So, until then, we should have a reliance and faith that God will not let down or desert his chosen ones. He is perfectly faithful.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Views of Heaven in the Koran
Below is the mind set of the people who are slowly taking over America and the world! (The fiddler plays while Rome burns)
[1] Koran 44:51-59 states .that large eyed virgins are awaiting Muslims in heaven
[2] Koran 78:31-35 states that female virgins will have large swelling breast.
[3] In heaven the virginity of these women, according to the Koran, will be automatically restored after each encounter [ Koran 56:35]
[4] Men in Paradise will recline on couches surrounded by fruit, meat, and beautiful women [[Koran 52:16-22]
[5] The Koran states that Muslim men in Heaven will have a virtual assortment of sex, in other words what ever is desired [Koran 55:62-77]
[6] In the Hadith, it is said that men will have the availability of 72 virgins and, in fact there will be also a free sex market for both men and women. [Hadith Al Hadis vol 4 Page 172 No. 34]
[7] The Koran claims that in Heaven men will enjoy a fountain of wine, which they can enjoy with out ever getting drunk [Koran 37:45]
[8] The Koran also states that those who wish for pleasure of young boys will find many in paradise. [Koran 76:19]
[9] The Koran states that all Muslims must fight until there is no worship but that of Allah. [Koran 2:123; 8:39]
[10] Christians and Jews must be exterminated [Koran 2:193; 9;5; 29:30]
[11] Those who convert to Christianity or leave the Islamic religion, for any reason, must be killed. [Koran 4: 4:91
[12] Muhammad said: “Who ever changes his religion, kill him!” [Al-Bukhari 9:57]
[13] Those who criticize Islam must be killed [Koran 9:12; 45:9]
[14] Those who cut off the heads of infidels are guaranteed paradise [Koran 47:4-6]
[15] By killing, one is following the example of Muhammad, who killed as well [Koran 33:21]
[16] The prophets of Islam are to promote terrorism. [Koran 17:59]
The Muslims, beyond the shadow of a doubt, are bent on possessing this planet for Allah, either by coercion or persuasion. They do not lack the will to use whatever means necessary, even to the slaughter of millions, only the way. By devious means they are making a great headway around the world. The word ‘Jihad’ is one of the great words in the Muslim vocabulary. In effect, it is a declaration of war against all and everything that is not Muslim.
NOTE: This article, in part, is from ‘The Evangelist’ and wrote by Jimmy Swaggart.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bitter and Sweet Water Do Not Flow From The Same Fountain!
When you say you are a follower of Jesus The Christ and do not do as He says and teaches then what are you? I have said all that to say this: When ever I post a scripture on Face Book or a religious article on my Brush Arbor Manna web page people will say good things or send me nice messages or emails. But if I say something about Obama then some just do not like it and they will leave a nasty comment or unfriend me because I spoke the truth.
The truth is, bitter and sweet water do not come from the same fountain. If you are called by our Lord’s name (claiming to be a Christian) and say that you are a follower of Him then you must abide by His teachings and that is all of them and not just some of his teachings, as many do today! That is not to say everybody has to be perfect, because I fall short in that category, but I strive to be what Our Lord would want me to be. You must try your best to follow the Lord’s Teachings and strive to be what He would have you to be.
You can not come out of a church and worship service where the anointing is and then go into a voting both the next day and vote for a man that goes against just about everything Christianity stands for, but that is exactly what a lot of people did. They voted for a man (Obama) that has:
[1] Said the Bible is out dated and in a video has made fun of it, when we know that the Scripture tell us : forever His word is settled in Heaven and the Word is a lamp unto our feet!
[2] Said that there is no better sound than when the Muslims are called to prayer. We as Christians are told that we are to have no other gods before us.
[3] Cancelled the national day of prayer and yet has allowed thousands of Muslims to pray, to their god on the lawn of the White House.
[4] Told the Muslim world that this nation is no longer a Christian nation. Those words are documented for the public to search out and see!
[5] Just about turned his back on Israel. Even to the point that the leader of Israel was ushered into the White House by a back door while all Muslims are brought in the front door. That is also documented.
The list could go on and on, even with things that his wife has said, but I do not want to do this because I do not want some people to think that I hate the man because I do not! There was a lot of past presidents that I did not entirely agree with, but never have I seen a president like this.
When Jimmy Carter was president I thought for a while that we would be eating peanuts for the rest of out lives and peddling bicycles the rest of our lives and here we are again. I did not vote for Carter because of his skin color, but for what he stood for and where he would take our country. It is the same way with Obama. I did not vote for him because of his skin color, but for what he stood for and what he still stands for. But to some I am called a racist because of my views, and that has never, ever been the case with me.
A case in point is Allen West. He is not the same skin color that I am but what a man. He speaks the truth, hides nothing. and I would most certainly vote for him if he ever run for president. This country is at a cross roads. Which way do you want it to go? We are near the end of time as we know it and yet nothing changes with some of the people that say they are followers of Christ.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Called Out People
One of God's purposes in giving his law to Israel was to make them different from all other people. Haman recognized something different and unique in the Jews and he hated them for it. Under the new covenant god wants his people to be also seperate and set apart from all the ungodliness in this world we live in. He wants the church to be a holy and pure people! (What happen) Just like it was in Easters time the world still hates God's people, because we are different. The Christain will not and cannot except the behavior and the accepted livestyles and the practrices of most people in the world today. It is sin! When we follow Jesus and his teaching we will think, talk, and act differently than those that do not follow the teachings of our lord. We should not show ourselves as a odd or defiant people, but we are to live in such a way that others will be able to see the life, the hope, and the righteous standards of god in our lives. Through our walk with the Lord the unsaved might make the choice to serve Him.
Poem Sums it Up Quite Well.
The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama . Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in ...
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone...
In today's world, as children of God, we can still say "Touching Jesus is all that really matters, But there is only one way ...
One of the greatest inclination of human beings is to zero in on their faith at the cost of its true meaning. This holds true to all faiths...