Monday, June 1, 2009

The Day We Become Silent

Inserts of this commentary are from a article that I wrote back in October 2008. I was impressed by the Lord to write that article and I used parts of it for the article that I'm writing today. I guess the reason is that article is always on my mind. As Christians we must have a spiritual awaking and wake up to what is going on in our country. Our country is on the edge of spiritual destruction and material destruction. If Christian people do not stand up now for what is right, and stand up now, then let them forevermore hold their peace. How has this country got in the shape that it is in? It did not happen overnight. Just think back how God use to bless this country and compare with how it is today and a person with spiritual eyes can see it in a minute. Those of you who cannot see the destruction that is coming I pray that God would open your eyes to the coming danger.

When I went to school we had Bible reading, prayer, and pledge allegiance to the flag every morning and there was two words that I will always remember in that pledge, "UNDER GOD". Every student took their turn at reading the Good Book and they wanted to read it. I remember that on every teacher's desk was a Bible. That Bible was not in a desk drawer but out in the open on top of the desk for all to see. That book was a part of our daily lives and it was not hid. There was respect for the teachers and other kids in the school. The biggest thing that happen in school was getting caught chewing gum in class. The principal had a paddle and would use it real quick and so would the teachers. The students knew this. There was no violence in school, no drugs, and no need of a police officer roaming the halls to maintain order. Just one word from a teacher is all it took. The teachers was treated with respect and they were answered by a yes sir or no sir or a yes mam or no mam. This was the way it was then because Jesus Christ was the center of everything. Now there is violence in nearly every hallway, police in the halls of most schools, and then there is the students being disrespectful to the teachers. Why do you think that is? Some would say it is the signs of the times. My reasoning would be different. I think that this is what happens when you take authority away from the teachers, take God out of schools and replace them with birth control pills, condoms, and sex education classes for third graders. There are some things that are better taught at home. How kids that want to learn in today's schools ever learn anything I do not know. Why is this happening? Here is my answer to that. Some may not like it but it is the truth. When you take God out of the picture and His teaching and laws then there is nothing left but what we see today in our homes and schools. We are fast coming to live in a world without God. That to me is very frightening. The product of our society today is: "one of turning its back on God. This country harkens not to the word of God any more. What this country needs is spirited filled men of God cry out across this great land, as the prophet Jonah did to the city of Nineveh. The word was REPENT.

When I was growing up there was a group of people living together and functioning as a single household, consisting of parents and their children called a family. There was a father who was head of the house and he was the bread winner. He was the priest (biblically speaking) of that family. Him and his wife taught moral and spiritual values, not the schools. The schools taught the three "Rs" He did not depend on food stamps or a government check to provide for his family. He depended on God's Divine Care and guidance. He believed what was recorded in that old family Bible. He taught his children how to work hard and to be responsible for their actions. Now in nearly half of the homes across this nation there is no father, to instill the things that are needed to bring about a successful child. There was a mother who put motherly love in the home and made it a home. There was family meals that you had better be to and before you ate the grace was said and you thanked God for what you had to eat, because we knew that all our blessings come from Him. You were a family and around the table while having that meal you worked out any or all family problems. At problems the children had were worled out at home, not by Guidance councilor at school. Now in most homes there is hardly a meal at home let alone a family meal. The kids are eating at McDonalds or some other place. You knew, when I was growing up, that if you did wrong there was going to be some type of correction. I had a father who would discipline me and I would see the light. He spared not the rod of correction and to this day I'm thankful of that. He did not send me to a councilor, or to a psychiatrist, or to group meetings. He did not send me to a doctor for pills for my problems, to slow me down and pick me up. He straightened me and my problems out real quick. He saved a lot of money and time in the process. That rod of correction was always given in love and it made a difference in my life. My father loved me with all his heart and still does to this day. You do not have to teach a child to do wrong. That comes naturally. You have to teach them to do right and that is just not happening in most homes today.

I have a heavenly Father that loves and cares for me, also, and I have passed that very thing down to my kids and they to their kids. This is the way it was in homes across our land, but that is not the way it is now. Our children know more about who is on a certain TV show or the most important facts about a singer or actor, but very little or none at all about who the Vic president is, or the speaker of the house, what the constitution is, or any of the important history of this country. They know very little about the brave men who died for this country to keep us free. When I went to school if you did not learn you were held back until you did learn, but in today's world the children are sent on to the next highest grade not even being able to write their own name. How can children raised this way make the right choices in life? It is the same with our churches, or let me say the most of them. The people go to church these days and there is a program on the pew seat that tells you what songs that will be sung and a copy of the little sermon that the minister will read. The children go to their Sunday school classes and color pictures and then are sent home. They know no more than they did before they went into the Sunday School Room. Is this Church? No, God Forbid! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Thank God that there is still a remnant of churches that still preach the truth and do the right thing. God will always have a remnant.

We were taught as a family to give thanks to the Lord for everything. When we went to bed of a night we said our prayers unto the Lord for it was the right thing to do. We thanked Him for our daily blessings. We went to church as a family and sat together as a family in church. Our parents did not just send us to church, but they went with us. Now most parents do not even send their kids to church let alone go themselves. I'm a firm believer that it is the family unit that makes this country of ours what it is and that family unit in most cases is not doing to good right now. Some children today in this country do not even know who Jesus is. What was that saying that went around a few years ago," The family that prays together stays together." How true that is. Listen friends it does not take a village to raise a child, as some politicians suggest. It takes a Godly mother and father. In the end they will produce a godly child with in turn will lead to a godly Nation. THAT'S ALL! What is happening today is: there is no training in the home (spiritual or moral), and this leads to the violence that we have in our schools today. Training and spiritual guidance begins in the home. It begins with the family unit. In today's world we have banks closing, car makers going under, the housing market in trouble, and I could go on. The people and government are unset about this to the point of bail out money and loans, but for years we have seen a decline in our church growth and churches closing, but yet this new president wants to cripple our churches, and the spreading of the gospel even more, by taking away the tax exemption for tithing and giving to churches. Well what can you expect from a man who said we are no longer a Christian nation.

We no longer, for a lot of the people in this country, have Christmas. It is now called the holidays because we do not want to offend people of other religions. But what about offending Jesus who came into this world and was born with one purpose in mine. To go to Calvary's Cross and die for our sins. No more nativity scenes are allowed. No more Christmas Carols in school that mention Jesus. No more Ten Commandments in Government Buildings. What would our fore fathers say. When George Washington was sworn in as president he kissed the Bible and said that this country would be governed by this Book. What Happen to that? Daniel Webster said, "The Bible is the Book of faith, and a Book of doctrine, and a Book of Morals, and a book of religion, of special revelation from God: but It is also a Book which teaches man his responsibility, his dignity, and equality." We need men like our fore fathers to govern our country today. If we want to see our country like it use to be or even better than it used to be Jesus Christ has to be a part of it. The part that is at the top, for He said, "I AM the way". Our founding fathers knew that! How can this nation prosper when our leaders will not let our Savior be a part of anything.

We call ourselves a Christian Nation and we say we believe in God. But how many people in this country really believe in God? I sorry to say not many compared to the population. It takes more than just believing. Satan believes in God and trembles. The big difference is that true believers will trust and obey for they know there is no other way. Today as never before Satan is using people in all walks of life from the lowest to the highest to disrupt the Christian beliefs this country was founded on and to bring this country down to the very gates of hell. You may laugh but in your heart of hearts you know what I'm saying is the truth. You may say, "How so is this happening." Well let us just look at a couple of the things that deeply trouble me and if you are a Bible believing Christian, my friend, they should trouble you also..

When you allow and permit homosexuals to publicly march down the streets in this country kissing, holding hands and getting married in our churches and court houses there is something wrong. There is something wrong when homosexuals preachers are allowed to stand behind the sacred desk and try to preach God's Pure and Holy Word. I will tell you very quickly it is Blasphemy. There is my friend no other word for it. It is profanity to the highest degree, wickedness, and irreverence to the Lord. Please let me make it clear, God loves the homosexual, but he hates that terrible sin and as God's Children so should we. God says in His word that homosexuality is an abomination. In other words it is repugnant and a disgrace, but this nation says that it is okay and they are teaching our kids in our schools that It is okay for Adam to marry Steve. They say it is just a different life style. Are these people sick or deceived? Twenty or thirty years ago the homosexual hid his sexual preferences and his disgusting lifestyle in the closet for no one to see, because it was shameful. Any nation in my view that justifies the homosexual life style as a excepted life style is in its final stages of moral corruption. Remember this, Sodom was the end result of a reprobate mind. Must we offer that same prayer to The Lord for our country that Abraham did for Sodom. Must we pray: "Oh Lord God for 50 righteous people {just one righteous person out of every state dear Lord} will you spare this nation." It is not too late for God to spare and heal this land if we would only do as that great city of Nineveh did many years ago. REPENT!

Another thing that saddens my soul is the murder of millions of unborn babies {Our leaders call it abortion}. It is sad when you live in a country that has one law that says it is okays and makes it legal to abort (Murder) unborn babies and yet that same country has another law that makes it illegal to kill a whale or some other endangered animal. To me they are putting more importance on the whale or animal than a unborn human being. This is what I call a reprobate mind. A person with the mind of Christ would not think the way these people do. These people will have to answer to Jesus for this great sin on judgment day and trust me my friend that is not too far off.

We are now I believe in the most important time in Biblical and world history. I say this because of the things that I see happening in this country of ours. I hope that most Americans will wake up and see the same things as I do, before it is too late. Our freedom of worship and freedom in general is at stake. We have a man that is president and he is being called the messiah by many. This is pure blasphemy. He say a lot but in essence says nothing. He shouts change. Change What? The only change that this country needs is to repent as a nation and come back to the Lord. For some reason I do not think that this is the change that he had in mind. He calls himself a Christian but says that some of the Bible is out of date. That's funny because The Lord said "HIS WORD CHANGES NOT" and David in the Book of Psalms said, "FOREVER OH LORD THY WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN!" How much clearer can that be, and remember Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! The new president also condones and believes that homosexuals are not wrong in their ways and the killing of unborn babies is okay. Even ones that are just born. The word for it is infanticide. The meaning for that word is the killing of a new born baby with the parents' permission. How sad that our country has come to that. The canker worm is eating at our very freedoms that made this country great.

He said he would talk to Muslim terrorist without any preconditions. Talk about what? That great revelation of his to talk to terrorist is so absurd. How do you talk to people who tie bombs around their body and then blow themselves up and innocent people with them. You do not talk to people that want to kill you, to cut your heads off, to put you back in the dark ages, and destroy our very freedom. You destroy theses people before they destroy you. How soon we forget 9/11 and the thousands of people that were murdered and maimed for life on that day. The Muslims want a Muslim world and they will not negotiate that. They want to kill anybody that will not except the Muslim religion, which is evil to say the least, and is one of hate! That is a fact. Something is wrong with Americans when they voted for a man that says a lot but says nothing of importance. Something is wrong when you voted for a man that has sat under a preacher for 20 years and heard things in his sermons such as: "Not God bless America, no no, but God D**n America." He says that this preacher is or was his spiritual advisor. I wonder how he would advise him if he was a White House advisor? I wonder who is really his behind the scene advisor? Something is wrong my friend when someone voted for a man that is friends with domestic and foreign terrorist. These are people that would kill you or your family or friends to reach their objective, which is the down fall of our country and the Christian world. You do not bring change (the kind that is needed) by sleeping with the enemy. Something is wrong when any American will not put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance and not salute the flag. Something is wrong when a person has voted for a man that is friends with one of the biggest crooks in Chicago. Something is wrong when a man's wife says: "America is a mean country" I can tell you what it is, the people of this country are being deceived. They are being deceived because they are turning away from God.

As I was listening to a news program not long ago, I watched in horror and with great disgust, as this man (our president) made the statement with pride and arrogance: '"We are no longer a Christian Nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists." As with so many other disgusting statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd heard something like that from a president of this country. This not only hurt me, it also offended me and I sure that it did the same to any other Christian that heard this and other statements that he and his wife have made. It is true that we have different religions in this country, but we are still a Christian nation and our founding fathers wanted it that way. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right so our nation could be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride and arrogance that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be, ONE NATION UNDER GOD! We need to show this president and the world that we are, indeed, still a Christian Nation and we are standing on that solid Rock, "CHRIST JESUS " On that SOLID ROCK WE STAND and all else is sinking sand. This country (if the history books were read) was founded on Christianity. It was not founded on Buddha, Allah, or any other false religion. It was founded on that solid rock! I thank God that I'm founded on that solid rock.

I personally believe that God will deal with any person who claims to be a Christian and votes for a man of this caliber because of the color of his skin or his political party affiliation, knowing in their heart what he believes and says in does not line up with the Word of God. We as Christians must line up with what we know in our heart to be right. I say this in love, because God forbid I do not want to offend any Brother or Sister in the Lord, but I have to speak my heart. If we line up with this man then we are not lining up with God. I believe that this man has a hidden agenda that will really do this nation and the nation of Israel a lot of harm before his term in office is over if we do as Christians do not get down to business and stop being the silent majority as some people say. Some people are saying he is the anti Christ or the fore runner of the anti Christ. I will not go that far, but I can say this he has no Christian principles with him and he does not show or use any Christian values that I can see. But still the news papers indorse everything that he has done or wants to do. Why is this?

Rev. Jimmy Swaggart answered that question in a recent book of his when he wrote about this very thing concerning the news media. Bro. Swaggart said, "Satan cannot cast out Satan." Think about what Swaggart is saying here. If you are spiritual you know what he is saying. That was some pretty powerful words coming straight from the Bible, but how true they are. "SATAN CAN NOT CAST OUT SATAN" That is hitting the nail right on the head! A lot could be said about the people reporting our news, but that is another story. A lot could be learnt by the volumes that were not published that should have been. Today's newspapers for the most part are a tool for Satan. The American people want to hear the whole truth, not a twisted truth or a half truth. The only truth you can get anymore is what you glean from God's Holy Word. News papers come and go but God's word is sure and is everlasting. In the end I will put my trust in the man from Galilee.

This country was founded on Christianity. What is that? We believe that Jesus died on the cross and spilled His Blood for the sins of this world and it is thru Him and only Him that we are saved and have eternal life. We believe in His teachings and His Holy Word which has all the answers for the problems of this world and for you and for me. It is not Buddha, Allah, Mormonism, The Catholic Church, or any religion that does not teach there is only one way to heaven and his name His JESUS CHRIST. It is not crooked politicians or a psychiatrist or how much money we have in the bank, it is Jesus Christ and what he did at Calvary that is the answer and will always be the only answer to all our problems. Listen, my friend as I close this article let me say this: " There is nothing any more powerful than Holy Ghost anointed Believers praying." God shed His Grace on this country and we must touch the throne of Grace if this nation is to survive that which is coming against it. We need to pray most earnestly for this country that we love so much until The Rapture of the true church or the Lord takes us home. Pray before it is too late! We need a Holy Ghost Revival to sweep this land. Dear God spare my country and heal this land!

So in my closing remarks let me sum this all up for the reader. The problems that we are having today as a nation comes from and starts with the home (the family unit) as I tried to bring out earlier. We have a man that has been elected to the highest office in our land by a younger generation that knows not God. ( this is not judging) , but based on some of the statement and things that he has said and done. Some older people and people of his race voted for him because they were deceived, but he was elected by the younger generation that wanted change and believe me they are going to see plenty of change. This is only a small part of what is happening with our country, but it all ties together. If fathers and mothers would have brought up their children (this present generation) in church and taught them sound Christian doctrine at a early age when they were kids then this country would not be in the awful position that it is in now. That is a biblical principle that never fails. This may not be all the problems facing us as Christians but it is a good start. Let us fast, pray, and touch Our Heavenly Father for this country.

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