Monday, January 14, 2013

Under The Shadow Of His Wings

All of us want to get to that point in our lives of trusting God completely for all our needs of this life just as Job did, who trusted God to the point that he said; “Though He (God) would slay me, yet shall I trust in Him”; or Abraham, who trusted God’s Word to the point of not doubting what God told Him to do; or Jesus Christ, who trusted His Father to the point of saying; “Not as I will, but as thou will”.
As the storms of life rage about us life sometimes gets so hard and no matter what direction we turn to it seems as if all the doors are shut in our lives and and as hard as we try we cannot open them. And the days grow longer and we keep sinking into a point of no return. Because we have exhausted all our worldly solutions and nothing seems to be the right answer. I have been there so many times! Every time I always tried to solve the problem myself it never worked or never lasted. It was only when I got down on my knees and surrendered all the answer came. The answer is we need the right key. It is only by Jesus that we can have the answers that satisfy our soul. Sometimes, because of different circumstances, our life seems to be hopeless, but we must remember and know that we are not alone. We must recognize and understand that God is with us. We must know in our hearts and believe that our way out of all the problems in this life is in Him and Him alone. When we remember that all things will change in our life! Weeping, grief, and worry may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30: 5)
Who can help us when no one seems to even know what we are struggling with? Who can look into our innermost soul? Most people would rather condemn and laugh behind your back at the troubles facing you. That is the way most of the world is. Only a true friend will be there for you and there is a few of them, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Who can help us with our innermost problems? No one but God and God alone. It may be money problems, work related problems, marriage problems, family problems and you name it, but God can take that burden from you and solve the problem. He is the way maker. Why do people go through all the situations they do today and never call on the Great Problem Solver is beyond me.
Trusting in God requires us to have faith in Him and His Word, to have that assurance that He loves us. Our answer for a victorious relationship with God is by totally trusting in Him and our ability to believe that no matter what happens God will help us survive. Trusting in God will make those locked doors open. Our trust in God will change our life fully.
May We Live for Him and not for ourselves and may we always embrace the cross of our Savior Jesus The Christ. It is through the cross of Calvary and the perilous Blood that was spilled there that we can live that life of victory! He is still the master of the sea!

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Poem Sums it Up Quite Well.

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